A number of problems that you may experience can be solved by simple trouble-shooting prior to reporting to us. You may find a selection of instruction manuals at the property which will explain how to maintain your appliances. If there are no manuals, information can be found online.
No Electricity - Please check your fuse box or consumer unit to see if circuit breakers require resetting. If circuit breakers do not require resetting, check with your provider if there is a fault with the supply or neighbours to ensure there has not been power cut.
No Heating - Please check the boiler is switched on and the programmer set to on, (batteries may need replacing in the programmer). If the pressure is low or high please report below.
No Water or Leak/Flooding - Please check with your water supplier if there are any planned maintenance works or faults reported. If water leaking, please turn off at the stop cock.
Emergency Repairs Out of Hours - If you have an issue causing damage to your home such as water coming through your ceiling or structural damage please contact the emergency contractor on the number provided in your tenant hand-book.
Gas Leak - Turn off your gas
1. Don’t switch anything electrical on or off
2. Open windows and doors
3. Put out any naked flames
Call gas emergency services - 0800 111 999
Need to Report a Problem? Log into your Tenant Portal so we can respond speedily to any issues you have.