Fancy a Visit to Our Office?
Our Address
Our Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 5.30pm
Saturday - By Appointment
We'd love to hear from you. Call us on +44 (0) 1223 322277
Monday - Friday 9am - 5.30pm
Saturday - By Appointment
Parking is available behind our office.
Directions: From Elizabeth Way Roundabout head down East Road towards the City centre and turn first left into St Matthew St, first left into New St and first left into Occupation Road. Our office parking is on the right-hand side.
For a free valuation fill out the form or call us on +44 (0) 1223 322277.
Get Valuation
It always helps to put a face to the email or voice at the end of the phone. So here is some of, the small but wonderful CPL team,
working hard to look after you and your property.